The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) will hold three public hearings: one virtual and two in-person, all sharing the same information. These hearings will update the study's Draft Environmental Impact Statement, preferred alternative, and corridor improvements. Instructions for submitting verbal and written testimony will be provided. The virtual public hearing will begin at 5 p.m. and will end when all interested persons have provided testimony or 7 p.m., whichever occurs first.
Join via YouTube Live at WisDOT Public Forms
By telephone (audio only): (608) 571-2209: Conference ID: 588 603 889#
If you have any questions, or if you're unable to attend one of the scheduled hearings and would like to give your testimony or find out more about the study, contact David Schmidt, WisDOT Project Manager at (608) 246-3867, or email