Sprecher East Neighborhood Association (SENA) is excited about organizing community events in the near future. Our aim is to create opportunities for neighbors to connect, celebrate, and engage in meaningful activities. From social gatherings and seasonal celebrations to informative workshops and community clean-ups, we look forward to fostering a sense of community and belonging. Stay tuned for announcements about upcoming events!
Some of the previous events hosted by the Sprecher East Neighborhood Association include:
Back-to-School Ice Cream Social
East Egg Hunt
Garage Sale
Neighborhood Picnic
Halloween Party Movie Night
Neighborhood Meet and Greet
Public Safety Meeting
Park Cleanup
Holiday Party

I-39/90/94 In-Person Public Hearing
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) will hold three public hearings: one virtual and two in-person, all sharing the same information. These hearings will update the study's Draft Environmental Impact Statement, preferred alternative, and corridor improvements. Instructions for submitting verbal and written testimony will be provided.

I-39/90/94 Virtual Public Hearing
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) will hold three public hearings: one virtual and two in-person, all sharing the same information. These hearings will update the study's Draft Environmental Impact Statement, preferred alternative, and corridor improvements. Instructions for submitting verbal and written testimony will be provided.
Join via YouTube Live at WisDOT Public Forms (
By telephone (audio only): (608) 571-2209: Conference ID: 588 603 889#
Register here